Gratis webinar: Supporting outdoor play and learning for children with disabilities

Gratis webinar 18. november kl. 20:00:
Supporting outdoor play and learning for children with disabilities: Insights from Canada and Denmark
Presented by Outdoor Play Canada and Children & Nature Denmark
Join us for an interactive webinar exploring the vital role of outdoor play and learning in the lives of children with disabilities.
This session will highlight the ongoing work og two national outdoor play organizations and research findings on inclusive and accessible outdoor play and learning from both Canada and Denmark.
Participants will engage in facilitated breakout rooms, providing a collaborative space to discuss practical strategies and actionable steps to support outdoor play and learning for children with disabilities.
- Nichelle Stahlhut, PhD: Researcher, Center for Clinical Research and Prevention
- Mads Bølling, PhD: Researcher, Center for Clinical Research and Prevention
Hosted by
- Louise de Lannoy, PhD: Executive Director, Outdoor Play Canada
- Søren Præstholm: Head of Children & Nature Denmark
The webinar is in English.